New Year, New Adventures! Welcome 2022!

Yes, we know, it's been quite a few days since our last blog post, but we're back again! This new year brings new goals, new experiences and new opportunities! We are so excited to start 2022 off with a bang! And what better way to announce that our lovely Founder and CEO, Nile Yang themself, will be featured in Voyage Atlanta Magazine AGAIN! I am always sooo excited when Nile hits new milestones! It is truly beautiful to watch Nile grow personally and professionally - I am truly honored to love and know them in their most authentic self, and I can't wait for you guys to feast your eyes upon this fresh new interview! We are soooo happy and incredibly grateful to finally be able share this with everyone! It is always lovely to hear from our Nile, and no one could express our gratitude for you all better than them! So please, read on, and take a moment to read Nile's story on Voyage Atlanta Magazine, and continue to show your support for this amazing Latix creator and artist 

What a way to close out the year and start 2022!! Those that know me already have an idea of how incredible my growth has been, but here’s a lil bit of insight for those that don’t know about my journey
I also want to take a second to express how thankful I am for all the unconditional love and support I’ve gotten from each and every one of you!!
It’s been such pleasure to be able to bring my art out, share my story, and be recognized by Voyage Atlanta Magazine once again. This truly means the world to me; thank you soooo much for helping me make my dreams come true 
I’m so ready to see all the beautiful new places and people I’ll be bringing my art to this year!!!!!!! - Nile Yang